Saturday, June 16, 2012

Travels: A Triple Decker Afternoon [Day IV]

Wherein I am already late and a thick fog of capitalism descends upon the land.

Just under the wire with this one - writing from a hotel in Anaheim.  My good friend Matthew is down here at a voice actor's conference (who knew they had conferences... but doesn't it sound like fun?) and has roped me into Disneyland.  I've evaded it for twenty-two years, but to be honest I'm a little excited for tomorrow.  It's all a bit 'the lady doth protest', especially after Matthew extracted a promise from me that I would not say anything that could be termed snarky while inside park bounds - he thinks I have some sort of inner child that requires release.  As I generally rely on my snark to protect me from the reality of any given situation, I am understandably nervous.

In unrelated news: man, Union Station is really really and truly a beautiful building.

Notes from a beige bedspread.

I think I will resurrect the ITSO tomorrow.  It was an old writing exercise I used to assign myself to practice pastiche, with ITSO standing both for 'in the style of' and inspiring hope that a reader would say "it's so [writer you were emulating]."  I always secretly wished a teacher would assign it as a project and I would have tons of experience and kill it, but no such thing ever occurred.  Life is bleak.

1 comment:

  1. julie i am so enjoying these entries. PLEASE keep it up. so great. hope you are enjoying disneyland, but i love hearing about the work stuff really. anna
